Signal Monitors

Often it's desirable to monitor the status of a signal and display messages whenever it changes. A good example for this is an interrupt signal. Here presented are two possibilities for implementing this:

        -- report changes of the interrupt signal

        monitor: process(INT_L)

          print("I@TB: INT_L="& str(INT_L));
        end process monitor;
The process will be executed each time there is an event on INT_L. Whenever that happens a message will be printed.

Here is an alternative using an extensions of the print command which is available in txt_util.vhd:

        -- report when interrupt is asserted                      
        print(INT_L'event and INT_L = '0', "I@TB: INT_L="& str(INT_L)); 
This function has as a first parameter a boolean expression and as the second parameter a message text. The message text will be printed whenever the boolean expression is true. (In this case whenever INT_L changes to '0'). The function does not need to be part of a process, it can be used as a concurrent statement.

Below are the files which have been simulated in this section:

txt_util.vhd simple_mon.vhd
txt_util.vhd simple_mon.vhd

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